It is hard to deny just how paramount a roof is to a residence’s internal safety and structural integrity. Old or tiring roofs could have significantly adverse health-related and financial impacts upon homeowners.
With homes performing roof repairs in Calgary cautions current and future customers that these circumstances could even exercise a major influence over a home’s insurability. Such an issue could adversely hinder one’s ability to both sell or purchase the dwelling in question.
Age’s Impact On A Roof
As is the case with many other constructions, age is not typically kind to roofs. These external coverings are continually exposed to several notable issues, such as hot and cold temperatures, inclement weather like rain, snow, ice, and wind, bird and animal droppings, environmental debris, and atmospheric pollution.
While most roofing materials are designed to last for many years, time and conditions ultimately weaken its components. Said events could result in negative occurrences, including extensive water damage, increased electricity and fuel costs, expensive repairs, and significantly diminished property aesthetics.
The Relationship Between A Roof’s Age And Insurance
There are certain policy providers who either refuse to ensure roofs over a certain age or charge extremely high premiums when said circumstances apply. Other companies will not grant a homeowner coverage unless the roof in question meets certain structural and safety requirements.

Specific providers might not even cover replacement for aged roofs but only offer cash value for the structure’s appraised worth at a given age.
Steps Impacted Homeowners Can Take
Insurance industry professionals caution those interested in selling or purchasing homes with older roofs to display added vigilance.
Prospective sellers are implored to pay close attention to potential roof problems and quickly remediate them.
Specific indications of deterioration include visible signs or roof deterioration, water stains or damage to internal structural components like walls and ceilings, confusingly high energy bills, and the growth of potentially harmful lifeforms such as mildew and mold.
Potential purchasers might not be afforded the opportunity to spot such red flags. Therefore, said subjects are enthusiastically urged to retain the services of home inspectors and establishments executing roof repairs in Calgary before getting serious.
At City Roofing and Exteriors, we take pride in our work and by serving Calgarians. We work hard to assist our customers in providing proper roofing systems to meet your budget and needs. We guarantee that you will be satisfied with our work, give us a call at (403) 608-9933 or email us at [email protected].